Friday, February 20

Suck It, Santelli

I'm looking forward to catching The White Stripes on Conan's last Late Night show tonight. I wonder what they'll play.

I don't know how many of you saw or heard about CNBC moron Rick Santelli's "theatrics" (thank you Barbara Boxer) on the Chicago Exchange floor yesterday regarding BHO's mortgage program. Anyway, this grade A d-bag who, conveniently, I don't hear a peep out of while the gov't dumps trillions into the financial sector, ignorantly called BHO's plan "rewarding bad behavior."

Again, this guy reports on and is involved in the financial industry. Really?!?

Gibbs was queried on the situation today and provided a nice retort.

Like Hannity, Santelli has learned that you don't mess with the Gibbs (or BHO).

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