Thursday, September 27

TV Premiere Watch: Thursday

So upset that neither LRH nor I won the $1,000,000 give-away on DoND last night. Sat down with Bionic Woman and I kind of liked it. Spent the 10:00 PM hour flipping around Nats v. Mets and House Hunters. Mets fans are very skittish and dissatisfied. Yes, this post will be decidedly Office-centric.

+ It seems like forever since The Office season finale last May. Tonight, finally, The Office returns with its fourth season premiere. NBC says the hour-long episode will answer all the key questions from last year. And although I am interested in finding out what happened to Jam, Ryan and Kelly, Michael and Jan, and Karen, I really just want to laugh. Surely "Fun Run" will deliver.

- Did you know: Heroes Claire's new "interest" (West) was formerly The Office Jan's assistant (Hunter).

+ Last year I cooled off from watching My Name is Earl. However, I found the "Free Earl" song/promo mildly amusing. If the USM v. Boise State game is uninteresting tonight, I'll reconnect with Earl.

+ Don't care about any of the enemy shows running on ABC tonight.

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