Wednesday, September 26

TV Premiere Watch: Wednesday

Caught Reaper last night. Not bad. It was fairly solid and held my attention for about 35-45 minutes, at which point I started intertubing. Not a premiere, hence no mention, but TBS ran the "Basketball" episode of The Office last night. Like Tracy Morgan would say, it was "hi-LAR-ious!" NBC and ABC have dueling pilots at the 9:00 and 10:00 PM slots. Could be interesting.

+ Possibly NBC's second biggest promotional pushee (although far behind Chuck), Bionic Woman, debuts tonight. Hopefully Bionic possesses the Run Lola Run meets Resident Evil vibe I want it to have. Note to Bionic producers: if your show gets picked up for a season two, introduce zombies!

+ I didn't particularly care for NBC's Life when it debuted four years ago...and was called House (which premiered its fourth season last night). We get it - cranky oddball professional is mad at life.

+ Uh oh, that Grey's Anatomy spin-off, Private Practice, bows tonight on ABC. I'm not reading good things about Dr. Addison Montgomery and her new Oceanside Wellness Group cohorts. I never watched Grey's Anatomy (as if, going up against The Office and Scrubs Thursdays) so I don't believe I'll be making an appointment with Private Practice, either. Medical drama pun!

+ ABC also airs Dirty Sexy Money...or Dumb Stupid Mistake. I prefer to think the latter.

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