Friday, December 23

Merry Holidays

This morning on the way to work, I was listening to the sportstalk show I usually listen to every morning. The group was discussing their favorite Christmas/Hanukkah presents from when they were kids. They divided their favorite presents up into two categories: electronic and non-electronic. The show and its callers referenced Nerf footballs, the hand-held electronic football game, kids full play football unis, and much more. It really brought me back. I started thinking about my favorite Christmas gifts when I was little. Here they are:

The kids football uniform. I went bonkers when I opened the uni back in the day. Although my uni was a generic white helmet with red stripe, red jersey, shoulder pads and white pants (great for grass stains). Even though I didn't have the proper colors, I went all out pretending I was Richard Todd throwing to myself as Wesley Walker and Al Toon. Nice!

This is the closest facsimilie I could find to my uni of old.

The electric football game. I loved this game and played it for many years. I really never utilized the electricity. I just moved the players around manually. It was great. My first teams were the Chicago Bears and San Francisco 49'ers. But I quickly had my mom order more teams. Those were epic times. Oh, to be young again.

My version featured AFC and NFC endzones and teams with real NFL unis.

Anyway, Christmas is going to be here in no time flat.

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