The NBA All-Star game is actually quite entertaining. Plus, All-Star weekend brings me back to when I was in middle school, and me and my baller friends would get together at somebody's parent's house to watch the slam dunk and three-point shooting contest.
+ If you perused my last post's comments, you learned that my trip to the Mechanicsburg Chick-fil-A was quite delicious. I look forward to returning... or hearing about a C-f-A coming to the east shore.
+ So I've been back to the YC twice in the last two weeks. Good times. Each instance, I made some time to drive around town, check things out, see what's what. I do a drive-by on the Commerce Center. I cruise around Washington Hall (my old apt building). I noticed turning back south, onto George from King that there is now a Sneaker Villa halfway down the block. I hope no store-on-store violence results from their close proximity to Jean Joint and New Hub Store. Oh, what a time to live in the YC (it seems).

Are YOU Villa?? A) New Hub Store b) Jean Joint C) Sneaker Villa -- You betta be!!
+ EA Sports has a cool thing going where you can vote on which mascot gets the NCAA '09 game cover. It's fun having a Wii-mote as a mouse. I am alternating selections between Willie the Wildcat and the Air Force The Bird (awesome pic, btw).
Willie's kind of like the opposite of a famous Busted Tee... I guess in Wildcat culture, you have the right to human arms.
Next time you're in YC, let me know...we'll go shopping together.
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