Thursday, February 21

An Easy Target

Recently, I noticed I stopped receiving mail. No mail at all. No bills, no personal correspondance, no junk mail, no political propaganda. It was like the USPS went Kramer on ME! This couldn't be; but each day I returned to my apt, unlocked my mail box door and was greeted by cold, drafty feeling of isolation. After about a week or so, I called USPS and reported my problem. They were pretty nice and said they would look into it and I would hear back in 24-48 hours.

Yesterday, I received a call from the Lanc PO stating they researched my case and found the problem: carrier error. You see, I submitted a change of address notice online to USPS in late January, stating I was moving to Capital City in mid-April.

Well, the mail carrier received the USPS change of address form and (evidently not scanning the document too thoroughly) thought the change was effective immediately - not April 12. So he stopped delivering mail to my current address. The remainder of the conversation proceeded to go something similar to this:

1 comment:

Todd said...

I got mail!