Tuesday, January 8

College Football Wrap-Up

This morning it hit me - as I was looking at the tv listings for tonight - college football is over. Nooooo!!!

A lot of people are railing against the BCS games this year, but upon reflection I can't complain. Granted USC v. Illinois was pretty nondescript, but West Virginia v. Oklahoma was entertaining, Kansas v. Virginia Tech was rather exciting, and I enjoyed seeing Hawaii and Ohio State get run over.

When KU is playing a team I really despise (VT), they are actually fun to watch. Although now I am on a "Rock Chalk Jayhawk" chant kick.

Air Force Academy, for everything
Joe Paterno, for burning Morelli's redshirt back in '03
Penn State gameday
the spread option

Dennis Franchione and Texas A&M
Joe Paterno, just leave already...and take Jay, too
Ohio State
United Airlines

The plan next year is to hit one or two PSU games, a K-State game and ...maybe... another Air Force game. See you in August, college football!

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