After the Patriots v. Bengals blowout, I tuned into the Padres v. Rockies "Tiebreaker" game, joining them during the top of the 11th. What drama. I don't mind some playoff baseball. I was pulling for the Rockies, but thought the Pads locked it up with two in the 13th off the firestarter Jorge Julio. But then in the bottom of the inning, the Rockies treated Trevor Hoffman like a merry-go-round. I just like the Rockies; Holliday, Helton, Atkins, Hawpe, Tulowitzki...those guys can all rake.
Oh, and everyone agrees that Holliday never touched homeplate, right? Yeah, he never got it. Why he chose to slide headfirst into home is beyond me. [cue "Glory Days" in background] I remember during my playing days at EC, '97 I believe, it was spring training down in Florida and we were playing some undermanned squad. I was behind the plate and the opposing team had a guy on third. Batter hits a ground ball to short, and on contact, the runner on third breaks for home. Our shortstop, Drew Wolanin, fields the ball (the ball went right to him) and fires home. The throw was high! And about a foot up the line.
I sky'd and caught the ball. The runner decides to slide head first. So, coming down out of the air after my jump, I planted my left spike directly into his left hand. To add insult to injury, I applied an especially hard tag to his helmet. He was out. He never made it close to homeplate. In fact, he had to leave the game. I wasn't that nice of a person behind the dish. I loved protecting the plate. ...And that is why you never slide headfirst into home!
+ Two episodes into season 2 of Heroes and I can say with extreme confidence that I have absolutely zero remorse about ditching 24.
+ Previously referenced Colorado University football coach Dan Hawkins ("It's the Big 12!!) is a coach I would want to play for...and he has a blog. As Hawk would say, "Just keep pumping the pump."
+ TBS' The Office redux tonight features "The Dundies" and "Office Olympics". Flunkerton! That line-up is similar to some net running Scrubs' "My Philosophy" and "My T.C.W." back-to-back.
Springsteen? A dig on Wolanin? You can't instigate a collision with your ankles.
No dig on Wolanin - the throw home was high, but it all turned out for the best.
The 1" up the line part was not meant as a complaint, just a description.
Oops, should have been 1'.
It seemed like by making a point to say the ball went right to him, you were hinting that if it didn't go right to him, he wouldn't have fielded it. But I was mistaken, Wolanin's a vacuum.
He didn't have Reyes or J-Ro range, but he was a solid SS. A sure fielder.
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