Top of the world!
You're getting your first look at a thrice-verified duo that "makes a good couple". It's official.
After Rock City, Mr. H took us on a countryside tour, filled with beauty (provided by LRH), good information and scenic views.
Scrubs redux, people. On a clear day, I can see, see a very long way. Yes, that's a dirt road. I love dirt road traveling. Wish I had my Jeep out there.
After a great lunch (rave), I caught another viewing of Breach. LRH conked out during the previous night's screening, and I was more than happy to watch the movie again with her. We then took a bike ride around town to return the movie to the grocery store. Shortly before dinner, I walked over to Minneapolis High School's track to get a 5-mile run in.
Go Lions! Their logo is a modified K-State logo, with U of Kansas colors.
Dinner was awesome (rave), natch, and after that we all took a walk around the neighborhood to check out a new house being built. After that, I hung out on the H's front porch with Mr. H, watching some MHS football camp, before heading in to watch Age of Love with LRH. It was a another awesome day.
Tuesday to come...
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