Afterwards, I made my way back down to the Tom Bamford Lancaster Classic bike races. I'm by no means a big cycling fanatic, plus my opinion of Floyd Landis would make me pretty unpopular around these parts, but the races were pretty cool. They also played some of the Run Lola Run soundtrack during one of the races.
I also did a little online shopping. I'm sort of in the mood for a new summer wardrobe. I am also self-conscious that my current tees contribute to making me look younger than I am. This comes from still being carded and some comments I've received from people. So, I'm trying to mature-up my gear. I hit up American Apparel for some plain tees. While there, I started perusing the site further. I was looking at socks, and found this image:

That's a good look.
...Off to see Zito v. Leiber at the Bank.
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