Tuesday, May 1


Today marked my one year anniversary at my place of employ. Time flies when you're kept on your toes! Today also marked my annual review. I didn't quite know what to expect, but said review came and passed and it went swimmingly. I received an overall positive and constructive review, and a decent raise. Nice!

Now that my review prep is out of the way, and with said raise in hand, I can especially rationalize obtaining a Wii. It is now my top priority. I'm hoping mistercellaneous can help a blogger brother out.

Also, don't think April 28 didn't come and go without me thinking about what happened one year ago that day. I poured out a little cranberry pomegranate juice for all my homies and the so best ever company in the world to work for. I miss ya, SusCom (and Susquehanna Radio)!

+ [Update: 12:19 AM Wednesday] Can the Warriors and Mavs just play for the rest of the NBA Playoffs? Jeez, these games are hot! It's the NBA like the NBA should be played!

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