Monday, February 6

Subpar Bowl

Seattle might be the 2nd home of the "12th man" (lame), but last night the Pittsburgh Steelers had "the man" that counted in their collective pocket (that being the refs) in their un-super, unspectacular Super Bowl XL win. To summarize:

Eagles: stunk
Super Bowl pregame: horrible
coin flip: dumb. the BradyPatriots are not needed in every Super Bowl
Super Bowl: anti-climatic and not well-played
Seahawks: played 11 against 12, but choked regardless
Steelers: extremely annoying
refs: one-sided and stunk
Rolling Stones: hello?!
commercials: stunk
yeahbuts: addressed

At least NFL Network broadcasts some games next year. Improve your terrible officiating and entertainment choices, NFL, and come back stronger and better next year.

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