Tuesday, October 18


In a move sure to delight rappers and athletes everywhere, Atlanta has adopted "ATL" as its official logo.

The new logo marks the beginning of a $4.5 million+ ad campaign to market the city to local residents, tourists, conventioneers and companies interested in relocating. Nice that they dropped 4.5 mil large to create a logo and make the ATL "official."

The AP on The Colbert Report: "The title of the new series should be pronounced with a silent 't' in 'report' as well as 'Colbert' (say: coal-bear ray-poor), as a verbal handshake exchanged by Colbert cognoscenti."

Who knew the alien show I predicted to get cancelled first (Surface) would instead be the first alien show to receive a full season pick-up? I still prefer Invasion and Threshold, though. Although I'm starting to realize that Threshold is little more than CSI: Aliens for CBS.

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