Monday, July 21

It's Facebook! It Ain't Intramurals!

I learned of Colorado University football coach Dan Hawkins' (aka The Hawk) facebook page about 10 days ago. Being a The Hawk fan since his gadgetry at Boise State and epic "go play intramurals, brotha" rant at CU, I quickly logged on and added The Hawk as a friend.

Since I am also facebook friends with Pete Carroll, I thought I had an "in." Fight on.

Anyway, I waited and waited. I guess being the head coach of a DIVISION I FOOTBALL!! team in THE BIG XII!! occupies a great deal of time. I began losing hope. Didn't The Hawk know I respected his style (and his blog)?

Late Friday night I received an email. The Hawk confirmed me as a friend!

Yay! Go Hawk!

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