Friday, June 13

That Groundhog is Talking About National Security... Again

After Oldie McOlderson John McCain's brazen and confused-sounding entries into the local tv market, I don't know who I'm sicker of seeing on tv: him, or Gus the 2nd Most Famous Groundhog in Pennsylvania. (Actually, I do know - McCain by a mile).

Anyway, in seeing them both over and over and over again, I noticed they bear quite a resemblance to each other.

Hey John, quit lamely biting on Barry O's campaign slogan and talking points. Find a nice rest home or senior living community, learn to play Wii bowling and stfu!

Yes we can!

Danity Kane > Pussycat Dolls

1 comment:

Brett said...

Your rankings are sound... I'd probably go with Anita Smith as a not-so-distant 3rd.

Also, I like the new McCain shirt on Busted Tees.

Big Daddy Kane > Goo Goo Dolls