+ Yesterday was the 10 year anniversary of the Seinfeld series finale. In his history reset, the author fails to mention Thursday, May 14 was also "senior night" at TJ Rockwell's for the Elizabethtown class of '98!
+ Does anyone else care more about paying $3.75 a gallon for gas than SpyGate? I wish Arlen Spector would, rather than being a blow hard, grandstanding puppet for Comcast's grudge. Boo!!!
+ Dmitri in the City... Island is over. The Meat Hook is heading back to D.C. after completing his rehab assignment in Harrisburg today. Seems like the Meat Hook enjoyed his time. Overall, da' Hook was 3 for 8 with a double and 3 walks. (He also had two errors in the game LRK and I attended Tuesday).
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