Wednesday, April 2

Volquez Power

Hey, Josh Hamilton is sure getting off to a good start in Texas. J.J. Putz - ha! Like Walla Walla, Keokuk, Cucamonga and Seattle, J.J. Putz always makes me laugh.


Much anticipation regarding the scheduled Sunday lift-off of Edison Volquez. Vs. les Sillies? Haha - can't wait. Might have to go out and procure a #36 Volquez Reds jersey to display a la honeymoon!

Nice try, Penn State - Harrisburg. Go Jays!

The AFA released its 2008 football schedule yesterday. Primo match-ups include:

Sept. 20 v. Utah
Nov. 8 v. Colorado State
Nov. 15 v. BYU

Note: All times are Mountain time zone.

Tough sledding with tbd Penn State and K-State games on the TINWA docket. Mr. H wants to hit a PSU (v. Oregon State? IU? MSU?) game this fall. I would certainly be open to another trip to Colorado Springs.

The B-1!! >>>>> Joe Paterno

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