Saturday evening LRH and I trekked down to Philly to catch The Hives and Maroon 5. When I purchased the tix a few months ago, the thought process was simple: LRH liked Maroon 5, and I liked The Hives. Although I find M5's "Makes Me Wonder" and "Wake Up Call" to be rather catchy. I thought LRH might possibly enjoy The Hives, or at least experience some music that I like. Regardless, I knew The Hives would deliver a good, high-energy show.
The Hives put on a short (6-7 songs), blistering set of some old ("Hate to Say I Told You So" and "Walk, Idiot, Walk") and some new ("Tick Tick Boom" - featured in a Verizon V-Spot spot). The group is fronted by a charismatic ball of energy named Pelle SomethingSwedish. He referenced the band's native Sweden often, and also confidently predicted that "not a lot of people came here fans of The Hives, but by the time you leave, 99.9% of you will be Hives fans." I really enjoyed their set, however, LRH was less than impressed. She gave them, I believe, a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10.
...However, the Swedish quintet now seems to have seeped into LRH's musical favor. I emailed her an mp3 of "Tick Tick Boom" to which she revealed that she had listened to a number of their songs on YouTube and was beginning to like them. She confirmed that she was 25% a Hives fan. (Percentages were big with The Hives).
Maroon 5 put on a solid show, but I could have done without their propensity to break into jam sessions at the end of songs. Also, I found their one transition to a brief instrumental of The White Stripes "Icky Thump" to be rather insulting. Really, Maroon 5?
Overall, it was a great day and night. I hadn't been to a concert in awhile, and anything with LRH is an awesome time. Even though we missed the K-State v. Colorado game on the Deuce.
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