In thinking about my Alpha Dog movie commentary, I was perplexed as to how I wanted to write about a movie that left me so conflicted. I thought the movie was good, well-acted and nicely directed, but at the same time you root for almost every, single character (except for Johnny Truelove) to do the right thing, and in every, single instance they fail to do so.
Click the link for a brief synopsis of Alpha Dog. I found the title misleading, because Truelove and his friends operate in a pack mentality. Truelove is supposed to be the leader or "alpha dog" of the group, but his leadership is flawed and weak. He hides behind his father, tough talk, a gun and a reputation he doesn't seem to warrant. When confronted, he is cowardly and exposed.
Ol' JT did a good job, but his character was pretty much a bad, tatted-up JT. Still, he was believable and you want him to do right. There is a Kids-like aspect to Alpha Dog, in that there is a lot of directionless youths drinking, smoking and partying. but to compare AD to Kids is not fair. Alpha Dog is a much better all-around film.
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