The Office was just the best. The last 10 minutes were supremely excellent, funny and poignant all at the same time. And who knew it would be Ryan that got the promotion to corporate, rather than Karen or Jim? The finale just built so many storylines for season four. We have Michael and Jan, the Jim/Pam/Karen triangle dynamic, Ryan in New York (will he just vanish?), how will Kelly cope? I already can't wait.

Scrubs was the best, too. Will J.D. and Elliot follow through with their inching-closer-to-kissing at the end of the show? Next season will be Scrubs last, so creator Bill Lawrence will have to decide whether J.D. and Elliot will be together (which he is against, but the writers are for) or whether they go their seperate ways. It will be sad to end one of the best shows I got in late on.
Regardless, come Fall, Thursdays will find me firmly planted in front of the tube watching NBC. I'll miss you, The Office, Scrubs (and 30 Rock). Hurry back soon!
So The Office didn't end at 9:00 with Jim and Pam making a date? Or did I just miss something about 1B Ryan Howard getting the promotion?
"Janet" was on quite a bit in what is now Ryan's position, so the temp should still be on a lot... probably in the role of relishing being Michael's superior.
Yes, it ended with the big DM boss calling Scranton and offering the position to somebody. Then the camera cuts to Scranton and it's Ryan on the other end accepting the position. He hangs up and then tells Kelly he's moving to New York and they are over. Kelly gets a puzzled, somewhat angry look on her face and says, "What?!?"
I agree that Ryan will be on a good deal next year, relishing his new supervisory role over Michael.
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