Friday, April 6

What was that Method Man Line about Vodka?

I've gone extremely light on the alcohol during the last three months, averaging maybe one beer every three weeks or so. But who knew that yesterday's late lunch (CfA natch), skipped dinner and three vodka-and-tonics over a 2 hr. 45 minute span would result in such a nice buzz? Maybe other elements contributed?

*cough*jp*cough* ("junior partier" for those non-EC in the late 90's)


Unknown said...

"I've learned... that when you drink Absolut straight it burns...
Enough to give my chest hairs a perm"
--'Bring the pain'

p.s. i'm so bored at work right now, i looked this up just for something to do.

Todd said...

Yeah, I have the Tical album. I was just sort of asking a rhetorical question.

Glad it could provide you with something to do, though.

Hopefully the next two hours pass quickly.