+ I noticed something while driving home from work today: Gwen Stefani consistently puts out songs that are initially very likeable and catchy. However, over time - and due in part to continuous radio airplay - they never fail to get annoying. I was seriously thinking about purchasing "Sweet Escape" a few weeks ago...now, I sort of find it annoying.
+ Song I'm feeling (rewind): Kanye West - "Workout Plan"
+ TV show I'm feeling (rewind): Oz
+ The fantasy baseball draft took place yesterday. Wow, rather lengthy. Mr. 3000 ended up with a hodgepodge of NL dudes. The two players I actually wanted and consistently track - Ryan Freel and Miguel Cabrera - I didn't get. I also drafted El Duque when I wanted to draft Livian. Oh well, who's up for a road trip to the 'Burgh and some Hedberg?
The Burgh and Berg combo always makes for a nice road trip. Might as well wait until the Pirates are 20+ games back so we can get really good seats.
I like your fantasy team. You may have reached a few times, but at the end of the day you have a nice, competitive lineup.
Thanks to Kanye's workout plan I'll never forget about SARS.
Kanye's SARS reset is the specific line that got me re-invigorated in the song. That, and Anna Nicole Smith's cameo. That round-the-clock news coverage of her death, etc. really infiltrated my subconscious.
I just hope Chris B. Young starts in CF for the D-backs.
I like your Magnificent Maraca's logo. Nice!
That's not really my logo, just some random web image that best expressed how I feel about my ball club.
Chris B. Young was on my radar as a sleeper. I understand he might be a basestealer.
I think your fine with Chris B Young in center. Jeff DaVanon is a journeyman and no real threat there. The only guy I would worry about is Hairston, but they don't seem to think much of him anyway.
It would be nice of Yahoo! would allow you to use your own logos..imagine a picture of Martin Van Buren on my team page!
A picture of ol' Marty would be pretty sweet. Talk about old school.
My hypothetical avatar would be of the Bernie Mac Mr. 3000, not Andre Benjamin. Although the pic I found of him is pretty sweet, so it would be tempting.
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