Tuesday, January 9

Farm Show '07

Last night, I made my annual pilgrimage to Harrisburg for the 2007 Pennsylvania Farm Show. I like to pay tribute to my agrarian roots. Furthermore, I love to dine on the Farm Show Food Court goods. I had:

- a roast beef sandwich from the PA Livestock Association
- a basket of french fries (w/salt and vinegar) from the PA Cooperative Potato Growers
- a cup of chicken corn soup from the PA Vegetable Growers Association
- a quart of apple cider from the State Horticultural Association
- a cone of raspberry honey ice cream from the PA Beekeepers Association

Sadly, I did not have time to hang out with the goats, who are among my favorite farm animals. I did get to speak to two horses, though. So that was nice.

+ I made it back in time to catch the 2nd and 3rd quarters of the National Championship Game Rout. Wow. Penn State made Troy Smith look bad/ordinary the past two years, but Florida's "D" just made him look absolutely horrible. Remember when the National Championship was decided on January 1st? Yeah, that was nice. Overall, this game's lateness, it being broadcast by FOX, and no Keith Jackson really killed much of the buzz for me.

+ Boise State v. Florida in the Gadget Play Bowl?

+ Wonder if Flood is still signed on to The Apprentice? Did he catch the season 6: LA premiere? I caught the last 30 minutes and it was enough to perk my interest for future eps.

+ K-State superfrosh Bill Walker suffered a ruptured ACL and is done for the year. All kinds of ouch. Likely also kaput: K-State's NCAA Tournament hopes.

1 comment:

Old Man Kirby said...

I caught the LA Premier, and after a boycott of The Apprentice (long story) I believe I will start watching it again.