Last night, I saw A Prairie Home Companion. There was zippo on TV last night and it's tough to beat a $6 movie ticket, Jujyfruits and popcorn with real butter. And parking lot.

A Prairie Home Companion is a unique and highly entertaining film. The cast is dynamite, highlighted by Garrison Keiler, Meryl Streep, William C. Reilly and Woody Harrelson...actually everybody is pretty on except Lohan. She doesn't stink up the film, though, by any means. APCH is off-the-beaten-path with a healthy dose of Minnesotan flavor - I just liked the whole thing...except maybe the "angel" storyline. And I did find Kevin Kline's Guy Noire character to be pretty annoying. But you gotta respect the great GK and his red Sauconys.
Overall, you can have your Superman and Cars, I'll take my A Prairie Home Companion and An Inconvenient Truth any day of the week.
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