Congrats to new University of Cincinnati hoops coach Mick Cronin on landing the verbal of Cinci State forward John Williamson. Ruben Patterson with a jump shot? I'll take him! (Plus, Huggins liked him, too).
And on the other side of the midwest, Huggs is already formulating his master plan at K-State. The lineup he could assemble in '07, hypothetically of course, is MIND BLOWING!
What a tease! Fu-Schnickens was one of my favorite rap groups in H.S. So much so that we made silk-screen tee-shirts with their logo on in Visual Communications class.
Where's the tie-in? Can I get a Fu Crew update? What's Moc-Fu doing these days?
Also, feel free to borrow the SnyPod at anytime to get your Fu-Schnicken's fix. The playlist features 15 of their finest tracks. True Fuschnick, Breakdown, La Schmoove, Sneakin' Up On Ya, Who Stole the Pebble... pretty much all the good stuff.
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