Thursday, January 12

Still the People's Champ

Too funny. This morning I received an email from one of our CSR's:
Customer wants to know if it's the "Rock" in the SusCom commercial in Brunswick. I told her we didn't know. She wanted the number to the company that handles advertising for Brunswick. She would like a call with this information.
Someone actually spent the time to call and ask if The Rock is in a SusCom commercial (which is absurd - he's not). I phoned the customer and - thankfully - got their answering machine. I quickly explained who I was and that no, The Rock does not appear in any SusCom commercials. I added, "It would be nice, because The Rock is a popular guy, but we do not have the budget to hire him." In hindsight, I should have used one of The Rock's catchphrases...dammit!

My boss had a lunch meeting today at 12:00. (Doesn't she know that Chili's is "the new golf course"?) She called me sometime after 2:30 and admitted the lunch "ran long" and that she wouldn't return to the office today. She also relayed that, after lunch, she bought a TV - a 30" Sony HDTV. Yep, you can tell the sale is closing soon *cough* April 14th.

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